Develop career plans that enhance your employees

With TramitApp, you can design career plans that allow your employees to develop all their abilities. An easy-to-implement and fully customizable system, with which you can develop a training and development strategy so that your employees can succeed and your company achieve its growth objectives.

Manage with a Career Plan

We create a complete roadmap with the worker, where we set their growth needs, business objectives, and promotion plans to drive the growth of the company through the professional career advancement of the employee.

Benefits of establishing a career plan in your company:

Increases employee confidence in the company

Reduces turnover

Improves employee performance

Encourages team motivation

Improves communication with the employee

The stages of our career plans

Needs establishment
Competence definition
Career map design
Training planning
Period of application delimitation

Manage with a Succession or Replacement Plan

We establish a long-term process that ensures the replacement of key employees in the company without affecting the activity of the company.

The succession or replacement plan in TramitApp

We identify key positions that are about to retire or leave the position
We develop profiles with the competencies that these develop
We select on the platform employees with the experience and skills to develop these profiles
We perform performance evaluations of each candidate
We complete the training of these candidates so they can develop that key position in the company

Benefits of having a succession plan in your company

Ensures the continuity of ongoing projects.

Gives the company a greater future perspective.

Provides consistency to career plans.

Generates calm and image of transparency in the company.

Trusted by more than 1500 companies

Enhance the growth of your company and your employees with good management of Career Plans