Advanced electronic signature documents verification

Verify signed documents on TramitApp and check that they have not been modified. To do this, you just have to upload or drag the signed document and the OTS you received after signing.

The hash check is performed directly in your browser to respect your privacy.

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European eIDAS Regulation

European Union Regulation No. 910/2014, known as the eIDAS Regulation, establishes the common legal framework for electronic signatures in the European Union.

eIDAS sets out the requirements that an Advanced Electronic Signature must meet:

It must be uniquely and non-transferably linked to the signer.
It must allow the signer to be identified.
It must be created using data that the signer can use and that are exclusively under their control.
It must be linked to the data signed in the document, thus preventing any subsequent modification thereof.

TramitApp Advanced Electronic Signature

In compliance with the requirements set by eIDAS, TramitApp’s advanced electronic signature meets all specifications to sign online documents with all legal guarantees and legal validity.

Identity Proof: The user must be logged in to the platform. We record the device from which the user accesses their profile.
Integrity: To have control over the device and the application.
Time Stamping or Time Sealing
Responsible signature: the signer must know what they are signing. In TramitApp the user must open the document before being able to sign it.

What is time sealing?

Time sealing is a cryptographic proof generated from a document on a specific date. If a person is in possession of the original document and its time seal, they can verify that the document exists and has not been modified.

How is the integrity of the document guaranteed?

When signing a document with TramitApp, the document’s HASH is automatically generated and added to OpenTimeStamps. This system incorporates that hash into a Merkle tree and enters it into a transaction on the Bitcoin blockchain.

With this certificate, it is possible to verify that the signed document has not been modified in any way.

What is OpenTimeStamp?

OpenTimeStamp is an open standard for Bitcoin time stamping that is used to prove the existence of documents.

Advantages of the OpenTimeStamps (OTS) system

Independent Verification: The OpenTimeStamps system is decentralized and eliminates third parties such as authorized certificates.
It is free: time stamping documents does not incur any extra cost.
The certificate is not revocable: blockchain blocks cannot be modified.
It is scalable, allowing time stamping of an unlimited number of documents in the same transaction.

FAQ about advanced electronic signature document verification

How to verify the authenticity of an electronic signature?
To verify the authenticity of an electronic signature, we must check the evidences that are generated with these signatures. Some of the main evidences are: a time stamp or sealing, document integrity, checking the time seal, and responsible signature.
What validity does a digital signature have?
If we use a tool that performs a recognized electronic signature, it will have complete legal validity, so it will be equivalent to a signature on paper. Otherwise, a simple digital signature will not offer any legal guarantee regarding the identity of the signer. It is also easily falsifiable.
How to certify a digital signature?
To certify a digital signature, we must check that the document could not be altered once it was signed. In TramitApp, we use blockchain technology to guarantee this integrity of the document and provide a secure time seal.
How to check a digital signature in PDF?
A digital signature made in PDF is very likely not to serve as evidence if we want to use it in a trial, as it does not meet the requirements described by European eIDAS regulation. Therefore, its verification will not provide any guarantees.
How to know if a document is digitally signed?
When using electronic signature, a series of evidences are generated that must be attached once the signature process is finished. Therefore, all the information we need to know if a document has been digitally signed must be able to be seen in the signed document itself.
How to sign a document with electronic signature?
If we have the appropriate tool, we can electronically sign a document from the mobile or web. To do this, we must access the document we want to sign and sketch our signature by sliding our finger on the screen or using the computer mouse. This simple process is possible thanks to tools offered by software like TramitApp.

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